Case Study: mrk photography & videography

We ♥ our small business customers! Here’s a peek at how mrk photography & videography uses FormAssembly to simplify client order forms with formulas and repeatable sections.

mrk photography & videography covers local community sports clubs, plus many events and occasions, so the team needed a tool that would make it easy for clients to place online orders. After a lot of research and several trials, mrk chose FormAssembly. “It provided the perfect balance of support for complex functionality with a reasonable cost,” said Principal Milton Kirkwood.

With FormAssembly, clients can easily specify their requirements in the order form. These requirements are often complicated by the fact that clients’ children are usually on different sports teams, and that clients may want different photos for each child. For example, a client may want a team photo for one child, and a team photo plus an individual photo for another child. “FormAssembly handles this complexity with ease,” said Milton.

form builder example

mrk finds FormAssembly’s formula engine particularly helpful for calculated fields. With formulas, order forms can instantly calculate a running total as selections are made. Clients always know the exact total value of their order and how many of each photo type have been ordered.

form builder example 2

Repeatable sections make it simple for clients to place orders for multiple people in the same form. In the example above, clients can select “Add another player” to add another section. This feature simplifies the form and ensures that the client only sees the essential information required to complete their specific order. “The client is never confronted with a mass of confusing options,” said Milton. “The client always has total control of the ordering process.”

Many thanks to Milton and mrk for sharing their use case with us!

About mrk photography & videography

mrk photography & videography, based in Sydney, Australia, was
established around 5 years ago when its principal, who had worked
in the information technology sector for 30 years, decided to leave
the corporate world and pursue his passion. While the company is
relatively small, it has grown consistently from year to year by
providing exceptional customer service. Visit us at

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