form best practices

10 Most Commonly Asked FormAssembly Questions From New Customers

Just getting to know the FormAssembly system? You’ve probably already realized the vast potential of our customizable platform, but you might be feeling a little overwhelmed (and we totally get it). However, chances are, any questions you have are shared by other new FormAssembly users. So to help you navigate the initial stages of using FormAssembly, we’ve compiled a list of 10 of the top questions we get from people early on in their FormAssembly journey.

Question 1: Are there limits to how much data can be submitted through a connector?

There is a limit, but it’s so high you might never reach it! Customers have successfully submitted tens of thousands of responses with no issues. However, if you are planning on receiving tens of thousands of responses within a short time span (e.g. a few hours to a day), we recommend that you spread the load of these responses over multiple days when possible.

You will also want to keep an eye on your API call limit and double-check with your Salesforce admin to make sure the number of incoming API calls won’t exceed the API call limit set in Salesforce. For example, if a certain form is averaging to 10,000 responses per hour during peak form submission, then increasing the API call limit to three calls would result in 30,000 responses per hour. This example only references a single form, but you’d need to make sure to include data from other open forms that are accepting submissions on the instance as well since each form submission could also result in an API call.

Question 2: Can we make conditional sections or pages to fit the user’s desired experience?

Absolutely! No two form respondents are the same, so their forms shouldn’t act the same way. With a little bit of configuration, you can set up questions, sections, and pages to be conditional based on users’ form responses.

Question 3: How do we view data submitted through FormAssembly?

Allow us to direct your attention to the handy Responses page in FormAssembly! On this page, you can view and search through all your responses, plus gather loads of helpful information about them. You can also download data to use in a number of different ways or view charts that can help you visualize your data and identify the trends in your responses.

Question 4: How do we style or theme the form?

The Theme Editor allows you to quickly and easily style your forms within the Form Builder. Using this feature, you can apply private and public themes as well as customize existing themes to meet your needs. You can also request the theme development kit if you are a designer and want to create themes for FormAssembly users at large. CSS/HTML knowledge is helpful.

>> Want more web form tips? Watch our Data Collection Dos and Don(u)ts webinar recording!

You can absolutely publish on your website using a number of different methods. You can embed your form’s HTML where you can choose the raw HTML snippet or the code for an entire page. Or, if you’re planning to add your form to your WordPress page, our WordPress plugin makes it easy. You can also embed your FormAssembly form on your website using our REST API. Last but not least, you can publish your form with an Inline Frame (iFrame), and we highly recommend this method! The iFrame method of publishing can relieve styling conflicts that can happen when embedding the form with raw HTML. We have a help document that summarizes all the publishing options and shows a comparison chart so that you’d easily see which method would best suit your needs.

And yes, it is possible to set a custom URL for your form! This custom URL will mask the standard URL’s form ID without replacing it. Because the URL is being masked and not replaced, both URLs will be available to your respondents. Please note that you must have an Enterprise or Compliance Cloud plan to utilize the custom URL feature.

Question 6: How do people get to a personalized form with some prefilled information?

There are a number of ways to prefill your forms with information and you can find a list of options in this help article. A couple of the commonly used ones are prefilling through the URL and using a Salesforce Prefill Connector.

You can accomplish prefilling through the URL by using a “prefilled link.” One example of what prefilling through the URL can achieve is that it can prefill a hidden field with a value indicating where the link was clicked to reach the form. You’ll need to prepare to build your link with the form’s URL and the field aliases you want to fill. You can also use this help article and video tutorial as a reference!

Our most-used and more popular prefilling option, the Salesforce Prefill Connector, allows you to retrieve data from your Salesforce org and display a prefilled form to your respondents. Once you have set up a prefilled link and a query parameter in your Salesforce Prefill Connector, you will be able to pull information from Salesforce records directly into your form. However, please note that you’ll need one of our Premier or higher plans to utilize the Salesforce Prefill Connector. You can learn more about prefilled links and query parameters in this help document and video tutorial.

Question 7: What else besides Salesforce can we push data to?

In addition to Salesforce, you can push your FormAssembly data to other services like Google Sheets, Stripe, Paypal, iATS, and more via our connectors. Check out our help document where you can find a full list of options besides Salesforce that you can push data to. Explore our complete list of trusted integrations, including different marketing, payment processing, and productivity platforms. And, with our HTTP connector, you can push data via a remote script using either the standard HTTP POST or HTTP GET methods to any site that accepts these methods, like MailChimp.

Question 8: Can we accept file uploads and send them to Salesforce?

Yes! There are two great options: Attachment Records and Salesforce Files (ContentVersion). Before you begin working with file uploads or attachments, it’s important to determine whether you’d like to create an Attachment Record or send a file upload to Salesforce Files. Salesforce is currently transitioning to the use of Salesforce Files for its file management system. Because of this, many FormAssembly users are also transitioning to Salesforce Files rather than creating Attachment records.

You can create an Attachment Record in Salesforce where a record of the Attachment Object is then associated with a parent record. Attachments appear in the Notes & Attachments Related List. Or, you can send your form uploads to ​​Salesforce Files that use ContentVersion records which are then associated with a parent record. The files appear in the Files Related List on the parent record. See Salesforce attachment limits here.

Question 9: Can we map to custom objects, and can one form map to multiple objects?

Yes, you can map to the custom objects you create in Salesforce via your Salesforce connector. You’ll need to refresh your schema to get the newly created Salesforce objects to appear for mapping after new objects are created. You can also map to multiple objects in your connector for your form. We have a help article that you can use as a reference to guide you through that process.

Question 10: Is regional data hosting available?

Yes. Enterprise and Compliance Cloud customers can opt to host their data on international servers. However, ​​Singapore, Sydney, Frankfurt, Paris, London, and Montreal are the only foreign regions we utilize. If interested, please check with your Customer Success Manager (CSM) for more information.

Need further information or assistance with these top questions? Not to worry—the FormAssembly Support team is here to help! Our Support team is available 24/5 and is dedicated to your success. We’ll do our best to help you get the most out of FormAssembly by answering your questions, giving you tips and suggestions, and advocating for your needs. Please feel free to reach out to us through our Contact Form. You can also check out our Resource Center for in-depth documentation and videos.


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