
Take Control of Your Spreadsheet Sync: Update to Google Sheets and Excel Connectors


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FormAssembly just released a major update for their Google Sheets and Excel connectors, giving workflow users more control over how their form data populates their spreadsheets. This is exciting news for anyone who relies on FormAssembly to collect data and leverage the analytical muscle of Excel or Google Sheets.

Previously, the connectors offered a streamlined approach, automatically transferring form data upon form submission. While this worked well for many, some users craved more granular control. This update delivers exactly that.

What’s New?

The update centers around offering users greater flexibility in how their data syncs. Here are some benefits:

  • Fine-tune your data flow: Choose exactly which form fields populate specific columns in your spreadsheet. This allows for a clean and organized transfer, ensuring your data is presented exactly how you need it for analysis. No metadata or unnecessary fields included. This also allows you to omit sensitive data from your spreadsheets, keeping PHI, NPI, or contact details out of shared documents.
  • Sync multiple forms with one connector: Workflow users benefit from being able to offer their audiences dynamic experiences with multiple forms, prefilled with data from earlier submissions. With this update, a single connector step can pull data from any of the forms in your workflow, allowing you to view an entire workflow’s data in one place.
  • Configure connectors with an integrated experience: Along with greater control over your data comes a new way to configure workflow connectors

See the Spreadsheet Integration in Action

See how you can now enjoy the ease of automatic data transfer while customizing how your data lands in your spreadsheets. Get cleaner data, improved organization, and more efficient workflows and analysis.

Stay tuned for more!

This update is a part of FormAssembly’s commitment to providing you with powerful tools for managing your data. Expect to see more news on connectors and integrations in the near future.

Ready to take control?

If you’re a FormAssembly customer, head to the FormAssembly Help Center to learn more about the updated Google Sheets and Excel connectors. Talk to an account manager to upgrade to a workflow-enabled plan, or add the Excel Connector to your account.

Not a customer? Schedule a demo to see how FormAssembly’s data collection platform can help your organization.

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