Oh, good morning orafternoon, everyone,and thanks for joining us.
We’ll give everybody anotherminute or so to hop in,and then we will jump intodynamic data capture forms andSalesforce experience pages.
It looks looks likeour attendees havemade their way way in, Joel, soI’m gonna go ahead and jump in.
But once again,welcome, everyone.
Thanks for joining us. Myname is Camie Clements.
I’m the product marketingspecialist here atFormAssembly.
Very excited to be on thiswebinar with you all today.
Today we’re gonna talk about formsand Salesforce experience pages,with Joelle.
But just first a coupleof housekeeping items.
I will keep this very shortand sweet so we can get to thenitty gritty here.
But,for those of you who thinkI look or sound familiar,that’s because you probablysee me in the VIP group.
VIP group is something weoffer our customers for free.
It’s a really great place tobuild community and collaboration.
We do shout outs for all of ourwebinars in there and usuallycarry on someconversations in there.
So if you’re a FormAssemblycustomer and not yet in the VIPgroup, we’d love to have you.
Our invitation ison our website,and we’ll be sure toshare it with everyone,after the webinar.
For our prospects, once truecustomer, we’d love to have you.
We offer a lot ofgreat, like I said,community andcollaboration, conversation,all sorts of goodthings in there.
But again, Cammie Clements.
You’ve probably seen me in theVIP group and excited to be here.
Additionally, for ourwebinar at the end,we do a live q and a session.
So for any questions that youhave throughout the webinar,throughout the demo,go ahead and just dropthem in that q and a box,and we will try to get to as manyas we can once Joelle is done.
And this is recorded.
It’ll be recorded and sent outto all of our participants tothe email address thatyou registered with,by the end of the week.
So So go ahead and keepan eye out for that.
That way you can share it with anycolleagues or form assembly friends.
Also, we have aresource section.
So Joelle will,mention a couple of pieces ofknowledge that we went aheadand linked so thatyou could access them.
We’ll give you someclarification for some of thethings that we cover,and I think that is all I have.
So without further ado,I’m going to go ahead and passit over to our product trainer,Joelle.
Hi. Thank you, Cammy. Yes.
As she mentioned, myname is Joelle Swanson.
I’m the product trainerhere at FormAssembly.
I’ve been with FormAssembly fora little over three years now,and I just love being ableto get on these webinars,talk to our customers,help them learn even more aboutus and what they can do withFormAssembly.
So it’s just really great chance toget to know all of our customers.
Before we really diveinto the webinar,I do kind of wanna see how manyof you are using SalesforceExperience Cloud.
You can go ahead and click yesor no there in the poll andjust let me know.
Don’t worry if you haven’t usedSalesforce Experience Cloud too much.
This is just a great timeto join this webinar.
See what all forms simply can dowith Salesforce experience cloud.
Personally, I’ve helped so manycustomers with getting their formsembedded in theirSalesforce experiencepages and also haveembedded severalof my own forms in my owndeveloper account that we’llkind of dive into today andsee a little bit more of.
I think okay it looks likeabout sixty people havesubmitted so I’m justgonna go ahead and go onAnd let’s see. Okay.
So we’ve got the majorityof people saying, yes,they have used SalesforceExperience Cloud,But we do have a good chunkof people who haven’t used it.
And like I said, don’t worry.
This is a great kind of likedip your toes into SalesforceExperience Cloud and usingFormAssembly within it.
So it’ll be a great opportunityto see what all you can do there.
So first up, what all are wegonna be talking about today?We’re going to talk about howyou can use FormAssembly withinSalesforce Experience Cloud.
That Salesforce ExperienceCloud authentication you canenable on your forms and thenpre filling with SalesforceExperience Cloudsession parameters,which is kind of one ofmy favorite things to do withSalesforce Experience Cloud.
First up though,there might be some peoplethat don’t know what SalesforceExperience Cloud isin our audience today.
So straight from Salesforce,Salesforce ExperienceCloud lets you createbranded digital experiencesto share information andcollaborate with people who arekey to your business processessuch as customers,partners, or employees,whether you call it a portal,help forum, support community,or something else,an Experience Cloud site is agreat place to connect with theimportant folks in your life.
Now that is a lot ofinformation and a lot of thingsthat the SalesforceExperience Cloud can be,but FormAssembly works reallywell with this because we haveour own FormAssembly appexchange app that you can useto embed forms directly into yourSalesforce experience cloud pages.
We also offer a couple otherthings with that FormAssemblyapp exchange app,and it’s a really great toolto use not only in ExperienceCloud but across Salesforce.
And I really like that the appallows you to just directly do it.
You don’t have to worry toomuch about embedding your forms.
It does all thathard work for you.
So let’s talk a little bitabout actually embedding yourform in an experiencepage.
Give me just a secondto share my screen.
Hopefully, I don’tget logged out.
Salesforce has been kind ofpicky today and has logged meout a few times.
Sothere we go.
Now I’m on the correct page.
So here, I’ve got a Salesforceexperience page that I’vealready created this entiresite in my developer account,and it’s ready for me to goahead and embed pages acrossembed forms across thevarious pages on this site.
So just to kind of give you anidea as we’re going through allthe demos today, I’mgoing to pretend I am a FAevent planner today.
So this experience site isbuilt for my events business,and I’m using FormAssembly to collectall the data related to each each event.
I then give my customers alogin to this experience siteso that they can quickly seethe details of their event andmake updates as they need to.
So to do this, let’s go aheadand embed that first form.
So you can kinda see this page.
I’ve got this empty componentwhere I would like to put my form.
To do this, I’ll just come over to thecomponents and search for form assembly.
And we can see that formassembly component right here.
And I can just drag it towherever I’d like this form toappear on this page.
Drop it in.
And we can see Ican embed that form.
That sadroppa is justkind of like saying,hey you don’t have a formID or anything in here.
So we’ll just grab that form IDfrom FormAssembly that I wantto embed here,and that’s just going to bean update events details form.
So we’ll paste thatform ID in here.
And once I paste it, wecan see there’s that form.
I’ll go ahead andpublish the site.
Got it.
And then now we can come andtake a look as a logged inauthenticated user tomy experience page.
We can see I’m logged in asSarah Sands, and we can see herinformation here.
I can select the event I’d liketo update, and she can see herevent details right here.
Now my respondents aren’t able to editor change any of these event logs.
So I can use my form assemblyform to be able to allow themto update those records ina controlled environment.
So let’s see how thatlooks for my respondent.
We’ll update the centerpieces.
We’ll say she needs twenty five.
That’ll go up toseventeen hundred.
And there we go.Just a simple update.
But once you submit the form andrefresh the page,We can see that update tookplace here in the event record.
So Sarah can easily see andkeep track of all of her eventdetails with that form assembly formon this event page so thatshe can make sure everythingis up to date with her event.
So with this, I really like thisbecause I can havethis FormAssemblyform be a controlled way formy respondents to edit that.
I don’t have them havingfull access to Salesforce orediting things thatthey don’t need to.
It’s literally onlythis stuff that I set.
So I really appreciate thatkind of control I give myrespondents and updating therecords that they need to.
So now that your respondents areable to access yourforms and everything,how can you make sure thatonly they can access that form?Like if you have a publicpage on your experience page,how can you make sure that onlyrespondents that you want toaccess your form can?And that’s going to be through ourSalesforce Experience Cloud authentication.
So with Salesforce experiencecloud authentication,this allows only authenticatedSalesforce experience cloudusers to access the formsthat you’ve embedded in your sites.
And it just adds that extralayer because then they can’taccess it at all throughthe form assembly link.
It has to be accessed directlythrough that experience page.
And,let’s take a look at how thatlooks when you embed it in yourform or when you setit up in your form.
So I can share my page.
And this time, we’re going tostart out in form assembly.
If I can there we go.
Here’s the correcttab.
The thing about these webinars,I have so many tabsopen all the time.
But here in this form,I want to set up,authentication on this because thisis an event invoice for my customers.
It’s going to havetheir information,all the details of their event,the total cost, everything.
I want to make sure that thisis only going to the people whoneed access to it.
So here, Inform Assembly is wherewe’re gonna start up that SalesforceExperience Cloud authentication.
We’ll go to the processing page,And under the allow responsesfrom drop down menu, we’llselect the SalesforceExperience Cloud userand click configure.
Soit’s already kind of all set up,but I all you’ll need todo is paste in your portallogin URL for yourExperian site.
For mine, it’s gonna be events byFA and my the rest of the login.
And then your Salesforceorganization ID that yourSalesforce experiencecloud site is located on.
So if you’re unsure ofhow to get these two,two details.
Don’t worry.
Our documentation walks you throughthe steps of how tofind each of thesein your Salesforce,or Salesforce’s help documentationcan also walk you through.
You would just search how tofind Salesforce organization ID,and Salesforce has some reallygood help help documentation todirect you exactly whereyou need to find that.
Then once we have that allpasted in there, we’re going togo ahead and click apply.
Now before we move on,there’s one extra piece of informationthat I need from this pagebefore my form is ready togo and get set for myrespondents to, submit the form.
And that’s gonna bethe secret token ID.
So we’re just gonna copy that.
And then to actually allow myrespondents to submit the form,I have to embed this form withthat form ID and so you cancomponent into myexperience page.
So we’ll come back over hereto another page, my invoicepage in my FormAssembly account.
We can see I already have theFormAssembly component herealong with the form ID.
So I just need to pastein that secret ID.
And here it says form token.
Form token and secret token,they’re both the same thing.
So once it’s pasted in,you’ll notice a differencebetween the other one,that the form still isnot appearing in here.
That is to be expected behavior.
It won’t appear until you login as an authenticated user.
So let’s log in as anauthenticated user.
Yep. I almost forgot.
Let’s publish thatpage, and we got it.
Sometimes it takes aminute. There we go.
And I can come over here, andI just clicked on that formlink, and we were directed tothis login page forthe experience page.
So this will be what anyone sees whoclicks on that form assembly link.
They’ll be automaticautomatically redirected tothis page and asked to log in.
So we’ll just quicklylog in as a user,and that’s going to beoh, it didn’t save her.
S nanceat acmeordot com.
Right? Let’s see. Email address.
Yes. Okay.
And then we’ll pastein her password.
Log in.
Andonce it finishes loading there,we can see that event invoicewith all of this informationform.
Key in being able to do evenmore with your forms andmake it even more user friendlylike what we’re seeing here.
But before I dive into that, Ifirst wanna kinda takea step back and say,this is all done throughprefilling related records.
And before I prefill this,which is all custom objectsand things that I havein my Salesforce,let’s look at an optionhowever you need to going forwardto prefill your related records.
So here’s an example of aform where I’m prefilling theaccount name, the contacts,and all of their relatedcases for that account.
So this accounthas two contacts,and each contact has a couplecases associated with them.
And when we come here tomy form, you can see thereare just two, repeatableoptions withinrepeatable options.
So we can go to the connectorsand see how exactly you canprefill those related records.
So here in theprefilled connector,the only parameterI’m going to be using,so that only thing inthe prefilled link,is going to be the account ID.
Everything else is going tobe prefilled using informationthat I found in myprefilled connector.
I’m not gonna be pulling in any otherinformation into that prefilled link.
It’s just gonnabe the account ID.
So pulling that account ID,I can then prefill the accountname and account number slashID fields in my form.
And here’s wherethe beauty of it is.
Here I have a dependentlookup, that contact object.
And here in the lookup, I’vegot that account ID field frommy contact object, and I amlooking up a lookup resultinstead of a parameter.
And this lookup result islooking at this account ID thatis prefilled right up here.
And what that’ll do is pull inevery single contact that hasthat account ID in that field.
So I can prefill all of therelated contacts to that account.
Then when we come downhere to this case object,you can see I’ve kind of donethe same thing down here ofthis case object has thatstandard field of case contactID on it that I am using asthe lookup, and I’m equaling itto the lookup result aboveof that contact ID that I’mprefilling into my form.
And with this, I’m able topre fill any related records Ihave in my Salesforceinto here.
So I can use it for ifI’ve got opportunities thatI wanna prefill based off of asales team member ID, I can do that.
There’s so many differentways that I can do this.
If I just have the relatedfields in Salesforce,I can pull those into here.
Or I can do even justthe matching fields.
I could have donebased off of email,looking up all the casesthat have that email as the,the same as the contact.
So there’s really a variety ofways you can use these relatedrecords to pre fill all the informationthat you need into your form.
So now that we kind of knowthat, we can take a look backat our event invoice form andsee what all is going on here.
Solet me come in here, and we’llgo to oh, not processing.
The connectors pagehere, and we can open upthis Invent invoiceprequel connector.
Oh, and this is the wrongInvent invoice. That’s okay.
I got a couple of them.
This is going to be thesession parameters that I’m going to beusing, and I want to justkind of really show howthere we go.
How you can use those sessionparameters I kind of mentionedto really make it so friendly,so easier for your respondentsto submit this form.
And we’re going to usethose session parameters.
Now what are session parameters?Coming here toour documentation,these session parameters arethose things that are availablethrough the Salesforceexperience cloud authenticationthat you can use to pull thatinformation directly fromSalesforce.
So these are those Salesforceportal aliases that we are using.
Those are thosesession parameters.
So So we can useany of these aliasesin our pre fill connector to pullthat information from Salesforce,from that authentication witha Salesforce experience cloudauthentication intothe prebuilt connector.
So for today, I’m goingto use the user ID of theportal userand we’ll just copy that aliasand when we come back hereto my prefill connector you cansee that all I’ve done is lookup the user object.
I’ve done the user IDfor the user and then putin as a formula that aliasfor the SF portal user ID.
And what this will do isautomatically once that userlogs in, it will pull theiruser ID here into the prefill connector andget started with goingthrough it and processingthe pre fill connector.
I can prefill any information thatI want to from that userrecord into the form.
Here, I’m justgonna do that email,and we can see how thatemail then works through.
You wouldn’t necessarily think theuser and contact would be related,but that email is the samein the user and the contact.
So I can use that email herein the related lookup for thiscontact to look up the emailand find the contact objectthat I need to prefillinto this form,prefill all that information.
And then coming down here tothe event log custom objectthat I’ve created, I havea contact ID field on thisevent log object,and I’m useable able touse that contact ID that isprefilled in the previous stepto find all of the relatedevent log objects andprefill them into my form.
So we’ll go aheadand just save thatand just kinda take a quicklook at that form again.
So So you can kinda see purelythe way it expands on this form.
So we’re loggedin as Sarah Sands.
It automatically pullsin her information,all of the updated logs andeverything into this form soshe can review everythingand just submit it.
And with this, I’m ableto set it up so that,one, it’s fillingin the entire form.
So all Sarah Sands has to dois come in here, say, okay.
Everything looks good. Submit.I approve this invoice.
And I really like using the prefull connector for somethinglike this because it makes itso easy for myrespondents to submit.
They just come in here, makesure everything’s right.
If something’s not right,they can go back to that updateevents log page and update an event.
And with theexception parameters,I also want to pointout it doesn’t require a prefilledlink at all.
You can use the same exactform link for all of yourrespondents across anyemail, anything.
All they have to do is login to this experience page,and it’ll pull intheir informationbased off their login.
And you can have that customexperience without the need forindividual form linksfor every respondent.
And using those sessionparameters and pre fillconnector like this allowsyou to ensure the data yourrespondents submit is accurate,increase that completion rate,and make your friendseven more user friendly,and just really heightenthat user experience.
Andfrom using form assemblyforms on Salesforce experience pagesreally just allows you tohave that custom experience,that personalization,really getting those forms upin front of those customersthat you need it to be andhave it be in a very securemanner and controlledmanner that youare displaying your Salesforceinformation to your respondentsso that it makes it so youcan have a streamlined andcustomized experience for yourrespondents each and every time.
And that was a lot ofinformation and I know this onewas probably a little bit moreadvanced than some of our previous,webinars.
So let’s go ahead andopen it up for questions.
Awesome. Well, thank you,Joel. That was fantastic.
We did have questionscome flooding in.
So it looks like we’ve got aboutfifteen to twenty minutes to sitdown and answer them, which is great.
So I’m just gonna start withthe first one we got fromJoanna.
Joanna asked, do you have some adviceon how to support clients using Safariwhich objects to crossplatform cookies anddisrupt their user experience?Me.
Which objects to cross platform cookiesand disrupts their user experience.
I probably need more coffee.
You are good. Okay.
So I’m just looking atyour question, Joanna.
So that one, that is kindof more of, of, like,the browser experience.
There’s not very much that wecan do to kind of change howthe browser is set up.
Safari browser is justthat is how it is made.
Nothing FormAssembly orSalesforce can will ever dowill be able to changejust how Safari is done.
Do handles that cross sitecookie exchange and everything.
The most that I usuallyrecommend is maybe encouragingyour respondents touse Google Chrome.
That is a little bit morefriend friendly when it comesto those cross cookie sites,or just to, like,clear their cookies orallow that cookie cross,going between FormAssemblyand Salesforce.
Unfortunately, Salesforce formassembly doesn’t have any control overSafari, so there’s not muchwe can do, unfortunately.
So Caleb asked, and we didreceive, a few questions, but,on workflow, but Caleb asked,can you embed workflows?So at the moment,how you would embed workflowsis you would actually,you wouldn’t be ableto use the component.
I know our product team isworking to try to make it sothat you can use the component.
So hopefully, we’llhave that soon.
But currently, what you would do toembed workflows in your experiencepage is actually use one ofthe rich text components.
You drag that rich text intowhere you would like it to beon your experience page.
And then you would use thequick publish publishingcode from your workflow andembed it in that rich textcomponent that you haveon your experience page,and it will putthe workflow there.
It would be the firstform of the workflow,and then once yourrespondents move on,they would be redirected tothe next form of the workflow.
So they would be redirected outof the experience page insightbut it’s kind of that waythat you can still have thatstart of the experience easilyavailable for your respondents.
So let’s see.
Jean s asked, are you how are youcapturing the contact ID on the form?The contact ID?I’m actually using the prefillconnector to prefill the contact ID.
If you’re talking about,like, the session parameter,that is actually,pulled directly from Salesforce assoon as that respondent logs in.
So then that just does automaticallyyou don’t have to do anything.
You just have to input thealias into your pre fillconnector, and the login processdoes it automatically for you.
And you just set up the prefill connector to to pre fillall the information you wantfrom Salesforce into your form.
That’s really the joy ofthe pre fill connector.
Any information you have availableto yourself in Salesforce,you can pre fill into the form usingthat Salesforce pre fill connector.
So Sarah asked,can you enable save and resumeon forms that are embedded inyour experience cloud site?Yes. Definitely.
I really like, the save and resumefeature on the experience site becausewhat it will actually dois you can enable it toimmediately start from thesaved point in your form usingthe experience site.
And so what your respondentswould see is they would savethat form, log out ofthe experience page,and then when they log back into theexperience page to resume the form,it automatically starts them offat that last save point.
They don’t have to go in andclick resume response and thenenter in a password or anything.
The experience page remembersexactly where they were whenthey saved the responseand resumes that automatically.
I’m trying to keep rollingbecause I think we have abouttwenty five more.
But Mira asked, does MFAwork with the authentication?So that would depend on how you haveyour Salesforce set your Salesforce,experience users setup and everything.
If you have MFA set up foryour experience cloud users,then it would do that.
So basically all the experienceSalesforce experience cloudauthentication does is it justconnects to Salesforce and usesyour Salesforce method oflogging in to log in to the form.
So if you have it set up inyour Salesforce ExperienceCloud, so you use MFA,it use the MFA to log intothe experience cloud site.
So however you’ve got it set upin Salesforce is how the formassembly form would go through.
Joelle, we did get a couple of questionsjust on clarification as, like,Salesforce licenses needed andform assembly plans needed andall that good stuff.
So just to kinda combinea few, Joe asked,is this only availableon certain plans?And just to kind of followthat up, Nadia asked,will users need a Salesforcelicense to access and updatethe informationand form assembly?So trying to kind ofroll those together,but just a little bit ofclarification on what’s neededto use these features.
For sure.
So the Salesforce experience,authentic experiencecloud authenticationsorry.
We literally justupdated it yesterday,so I was trying to alwaysremember to use the full name.
The Salesforce ExperienceCloud Authenticationis only available onTeams and above plans,but the FormAssembly componentis available to any plan.
So any plan level, whetherit’s basic, through government,can embed their forms,in their experience page.
They just would notbe able to have theexperience cloud authenticationif they are, like,essentials or basics.
That is for teams, governmentthat have access to,respondentauthentication methods.
And then as far as having alicense for your FormAssemblyusers to editSalesforce information,part of the beauty of like whatI showed today, Sarah Sams,she just has access tothe experience page site.
So, I believe you do need to haveSalesforce licenses for thoseto have the actual login.
But you don’t have to have theextra licenses for her to beable to actually edit Salesforcerecords and details and things.
That is why form assembly formsare so convenient because youcan set up the form,have the Salesforce connectorsrunning for you and the backend of the form,and have your respondents just openup the FormAssembly form, submit it,and automatically update thoseSalesforce records without theneed for them havinga Salesforce license.
It uses your license whenyou authenticate the connector toconnect to Salesforce andupdate it as you have it set.
Soyou going through the form,they don’t need the Salesforcelicense to update records.
And that’s why Sarah Sands wasable to update the records inthe example I used today.
Perfect. That’s super helpful.
We did have a few other folksask if this is being recorded.
So, yes, it is being recordedfrom start to finish,and we will be sending out thatrecording to the email addressthat you registered for the webinarwith by the end of the week.
So keep an eye out for that.
Joel,tossing a few back to you.
Bill said, it looks like thisuses iframes to embed the forms inexperience cloud.
Is that correct?If yes, does thatpose any accessibilitychallenges?So, the way I did it yes,I did the iframe method.
But in the experiencepage on the component,there is actually an option todetoggle the iframe.
The iframe is enabled byautomatically whenever you addthat component toyour experience page,but you can easily justdeselect it and have that formnot in an iframe on yourexperience cloud page.
And you can view it justhowever you need it to.
You can do that.
So,Bill asked us to confirm userswill not have to reauthenticateto access these embedded forms.
Correct?Correct. Yes.
They would log in to the site,and then as soon as they’relogged in to the site,they would go to that page,and then they’d be logged in.
So they’d automaticallysee the form.
It would just matter if theyaccessed the FormAssemblyhosted link of the form.
If they accessedit through that,like if I went to myform assembly pageand I clicked the view ofa form that has Salesforceexperience cloudauthentication enabled,I would be redirected to theSalesforce login page for thatexperience site and be forcedto go through the login.
So that’s when your respondentswould be forced to log in whenthey’re accessing the formfor the first time or theexperience sitefor the first time.
So another question.
Can we have multipleesignatures to the form in theexperience cloud page so thatafter one user signs off,it goes to the second user inthe signing order to sign off?So our forms don’t allow formultiple signatures per response,but what you could easily dowould be to have that first form.
They sign off on the firstform, Then it is a second formthat is prefilledsaying that, hey.
User one signed off on this andasking for user two to sign off.
So it wouldn’t be, like,you wouldn’t see, like,the actual physicalsignatures, like,two of them on the response,but you can mark offand prefill, like, hey.
Yes. This user has signed.And then go through like that.
So we had a few morefollow-up questions,about the iframe.
What would be the differenceof keeping the iframe checkedversus unchecked?So the difference is justkind of, when the iframe ischecked, we kinda saw it alittle bit today where the formhad the the thank you page justkind of like embedded in thatcomponent that we put the formin and my experience page.
I had the branding kind of set so thatit would match my experience page.
So it just looked like, hey,it just said thank youwhere the form was.
If I didn’t have it matched,it would just have that whitesquare where the form was forthe thank you page.
But if you didn’t have it setfor the iframe, for example,if I wanted to redirect toform assembly dot com after arespondent has submitted theform instead of staying in thatsame page in theexperience page,I could have unmarked theIFrame and have that redirectlink and then it would haveredirected the respondent afterthey submitted it toform assembly dot com.
They would have been redirectedout of the experience page oryou can redirect it to adifferent experience page.
It just basically allows itto break out of that iframe.
If you want them to just stillstay on that experience page,you can just use the iframe.
You can even just keep it outof the iframe and just usethe thank you page.
There’s a variety ofways that you could useboth to accomplish your needs.
There’s not really too much ofa difference between the two.
It’s just what you need to dowould signify which one youwould like to use.
You could even have it ifyou’d like to have, like,a little browser where it’sredirected to form assembly dotcom, but you’re stillin the experience page.
That would be kind of,like, the only differencewith, like, the iframe versus notiframe is it would still keep thatredirect link in, like,a little basically,what the iframe is, like,a mini browser inyour browser page.
So if you don’t want them tostay in that mini browser pageafter they submitted the form,just deselect the iframe.
So we had two more rolling,and and we’ll get throughthese and then wrap up.
So second to last, I have aquestion about dynamic pick list.
Would I be able to use a recordfor my dynamic pick list toprefill text in my form?Oh, yeah. For sure.
I’ve definitely useddynamic picklist.
I actually used a dynamicpicklist in the example today.
I can just quickly share myform my screen real fast.
Andthe event log form here,This is a dynamicpick list right here.
And in this dynamic pick list,I select the centerpieces,and I’m prefilling all ofthese other fields with thatinformation from this object.
So you can easily pre fillany information that you have fromthe record that you’re looking up inyour dynamic pick list into your form.
If it is just like a Salesforcedynamic pick list to a picklist field from Salesforce,unfortunately, that’s not going towork because the pick list field isjust a single fieldin Salesforce.
So you’re just going to be prefillingthe one single field field.
But if you are using thebasic lookup in the Salesforcedynamic pick list, then you canreturn multiple fields and prefill other fields in your formbased off of the selection madein the dynamic pick list.
Awesome. Okay. Alright,Joelle. Last one.
Is it possible to embed a formin a Salesforce lightning page?I’m assuming youmean, like, the,aura versus lightning webcomponent lightning pagefor when you’re usingexperience sites.
So at the moment, it ispossible to embed using thelightning web componentsversion of experience sites,but we cannot use theFormAssembly app in thoselightning web componentexperience pages.
The app is not suited forthose because the lightning webcomponent pages are very muchwhere you build your own apps.
So this framework doesn’t kindatransfer over as well as theaura version of theSalesforce experience pages.
So you would just use, like,that rich text component,like I mentioned,for the workflow.
You just drag that rich textcomponent into your lightningweb component where you’d likethe form to be and then justembed the form or workflow.
You either using the quickpublished code, iframe code,whichever publishing methodyou would like to use.
You would just use it as amore traditional version ofpublishing a form rather thanthe aura version of experiencecloud sites and pages that usesour form assembly component.
Well, I’m gonna go ahead andwrap up our q and a session.
Joelle, thank you so much fortaking all those questions.
We had so so many come in,so thank you all for yourincredibly well thought outquestions, and all ofthe wonderful insights there.
Lastly, just tokinda wrap us up,we do have a fewresources to share.
So there is a resource center.
If you’re lookingat your screen,it should be overthere on your right.
We have a couple of articlesjust explaining what exactly isexperience cloud,and Salesforce experience,communities, authentication.
If you have any other questionsor anything or we weren’t ableto get to yours today,can definitely reach out to,your CSM or someoneat FormAssembly.
We’d be happy to help you,but thank you all again somuch for joining us today.
Let me flip us over tothe resources tab just in caseanyone wants to see.
Thank you all for joining us.
And like I said, thiswill be recorded,so we will get that recording outto everyone by the end of the week.
So thank you, Joelle, foryour time and expertise here,Thank you. Have agood day, everyone.
Thank you. Have agood day, everyone.